Although I was not unhappy with the way these came out (especially considering my capabilities at the time) I never liked that they were just grey and green. In the movie you can see colors every now and then (especially with the King of the Dead). I wanted to attempt to relay that in the miniatures. So I painted and highlighted the minature like I would normally. I followed the same grey and green wash and highlight procedure for the face and hands. Then I drybrushed the entire model with green, attempting to heavily accent some areas and get a good covering on the rest. Although the greens do not show up to well in the photos, I think you can get the idea. I may try and take new pictures with some better lighting, but for now here it is:

Overall, I like it better and I will probably continue to paint them in this fashion.
Just finished another one on my lunch break.

Another one for the ranks.

Here is a look at the warrior prior to the wash with green:

And after:
The army, it's coming along.