Sunday, November 30, 2014

Another Fell Warg and Rohan Captain

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving, if you celebrate that kind of thing. I sure did, a bunch. A midst all the eating, hunting, and eating, and then some more eating I was able to finish these two models today before returning to the grind tomorrow. First up is another furred up Fell Warg from Shadow and Flame. As with the first, the putty work is seamless, and it takes a whole lot of scrutiny find where GW ends and Dave's work begins. Another first class job. So if your Wargs seem a bit cold this winter drop S&F a line and get those doggies some fur coats.

Next up is the rare Rohan captain. This one is kind of a goofy story, and if you don't want to hear it you can stop reading now. So this guy was part of a huge Rohan army box set that came out when Games Workshop was promoting War of the Ring. In most situations, there was one or two new models, and 5 zillion other minis that were already readily available and in most cases, I already owned. After some time, the new model became available on its own. So, being all smart and grown up and all, I decided to be patient and get this guy when he was released separately. But that never happened did it GW? Did it?  Instead I had to troll eBay until I could find one for an arm and a leg. Then, miraculously I recently stumbled in to two more for a steal. Now that I have three I finally got the courage to paint it, so here he is:

As always these were tremendous fun to paint. Dave's work is just incredible and the Rohan sculpt is top notch. I continue to procrastinate on the Rivendell Knight. I have primed the third Black Numenorean, as well as a test cast of Shadow and Flames' Travelling Dwarf. I fear they will happen before the knight, but who knows.

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